
Ассистент-стажер группы проектного управления (Projects Intern)

Более недели назад

З/П не указана

Город: Москва.

Air Liquide

Тип занятости: Временная работа / Freelance

Требуемый опыт: Без опыта


Responsibilities for the Projects Department: Creation the orders (приказы) by request and order control in Internal Projects electronic folders Support for the timesheet’s workflow (monthly) Assets Management (monthly) – consolidate the information on the remains of equipment and materials by cost-centers Document Control Coordination (monthly) Optimization of working Excel files Making visualization of presentations by request Translating short documents from English to Russian and vice versa Responsibilities for the CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT (CI) (направление непрерывных улучшений): Process (collect, analyze, select) CI-ideas: collect cases of CI in company analyse database, split into categories store best practices and design lessons learnt one-pagers Create the database of Lean tools used in company Support in the building the process map for current CI procedure (who, when, how process CI ideas from personnel) Support of the developing procedure for monthly reporting of CI ideas Weekly/monthly reporting on CI KPIs Requirements: A student of 3rd or 4th year of study (technical faculty preferable); Knowledge of technical disciplines and equipment within the framework of speciality; Knowledge of AutoCAD; At least 20 hours per week dedicated to work; PC user (Excel/Tables (Yandex), Word, PowerPoint) + programming skills are welcome; English (Intermediate/Upper-Intermediate). Conditions: Formal employment; Fixed-term employment contract for the period of studying in university; Flexible schedule of 20 hours a week (min); Hourly pay; Ability to work in the office and remotely.

Имя не указано

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Пожаловаться ID: 116041385

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